Tuesday 23 October 2012

Fairy Tale Synopsis. DUE 12.11.12

Fairy Tale synopsis

1.       Briefly outline the storyline of your play.
The story line of my play is a modern day Goddie locks and the three bears.
which has some social issues such as gangs , abuse and unemployment 

2.       What are the issues explored in your play?
Issues that will be explored in this play is Unemployment because it effects 
a lot of people in modern society. what drives people into Gangs and other social 

3.       Why did you choose to base your play around this/these issues?
we choose to base the play around these issues because they are happening 
in modern day society and we should not turn a bind eye to them.

4.       Do you think this/these issues are relevant to your Year 6 audience?
I do think these issues are relevant to a year 6 audience because they might 
not be aware of the problems and or issues that are happening around them.

5.       What would you like your audience to learn/explore by watching your play?
I would like my audience to learn not to judge a book by its cover , there is more
to what you see

6.       What character do you play?
Play the character of Jason who is father who is widowed  
and on benefits who feels like he dose not have a voice , feels like
no one is  listening to him 

7.       How does your character help develop the drama/help young children to explore your chosen issue?
my character would help young children by teaching them everyone is important 
no matter your back ground or what has happened to you

Sunday 21 October 2012

5. Fairy Tale Monologue. Due: 05.11.12

Character profile


This character has lost his wife. The only person he has is Chante his daughter. He feels as if the world is against him he has given up on himself.


I had quite a loving childhood.My perants loved me they would do any thing for me. My siblings where always happy and smiling. I got married to the most beautiful woman,Joy was her name and well Joys what she gave me, but she died on that horric day in that tragic car crash.

Every thing since then has gone down hill ever since. I've lost my job and now I'm on benfits. I was at the top now I'm on benfits .I was at the top now I'm here.The only thing I have in this world is Chante but she dosen't like me any moreshe only uses me for money,which I dont have.
I used to be at the top now I'm at the bottom  and I'm still falling.No-one cares about me this is a dog eat dog world and I've been eaten, survial of the fittest and I'm not the fittest as you can see.I try but no-one wants any thing to do with me , not even the benfits people want to give me money,what am I supposed to do. I give up.

Thursday 18 October 2012

The Brothers Grimm

1. Who were Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm (also known as The Brother’s Grimm)?

Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm were 2 brothers born in the 18 century who together collected folklore

2. What type of stories did they write?
The brothers Grimm wrote fairy tales/folk tales

3. What did their stories reflect?
The brothers Grimm's story's take basic human situations - wife, husband, father, son, king, subject, life, death - and illustrate them with such simplicity

4. How have their stories changed over the past 153 years?
Their story's have changed but mostly to Appel to a younger audience

5. How did Walt Disney change the stories?
Walt Disney changed the story's from being gruesome to being more child friendly

6. Why do you think he did this?
I think Walt DIsney did this because his the audience he wanted was children and the the folk stories of the Brothers Grimm where quite grim so the might not Appel to children which is what he wanted to do so, so he changed them to make them child friendly

7. Why do children relate to fairy tales?
Some children might relate to fair tales because it takes them to a imaginary world where every thing is peaceful and they can be what ever they want to be

8. What was your favourite fairy tale a child? Why?
My favourite fairy tale as a child was the princess and the frog because it teaches you not to judge a book by its cover