Wednesday 7 November 2012

Jason :how I feel

I'm crying
The tears are coming down my check
I shout but you don't hear a peep
I make mistakes
I'm not perfect but who is

I can't let you see me crying
Or what would you think
You won't give me a shoulder to lean on like they do in films
You push me away to the point where every single thing I do hurts

A boys cry is sad
Comes from the heart
A part you wouldn't think I have
It hurts
With every tear there's a word that goes with it a person a name the reason for that tear

I try to be strong but it's too much
To take
My heart hurts
I see you smiling but I can't
The worst part is when I do this you act like you don't care and I want to cry even more

But when I cry my self to sleep
I wake up and say this is gonna be new day
I put on a new face and I walk out the door

I don't turn back never turn back leave the past behind but it always catches up with you
It could be hiding behind the next turn
It's always there just open your eyes and you'll see it it never goes away

The only way to get rid of is to talk to it
So with the mucus running from your nose you tell it how you feel you think it's gonna give you a warm hug but it knocks you out for the count

Your out your trapped no hears cares or listens but the all see it

1 comment:

  1. This is a beautiful and very thoughtful piece of writing. I would have liked to have seen you perform it in your play. It could have made a wonderful thoughts a loud moment.
