Sunday 21 July 2013

To whom it may not concern

You egomaniacal,
one track minded person.
Don’t get me wrong, being one track minded is not a bad thing.
But there are so many different other tracks.
you pretend we do not see them
but they are still there.
No matter how hard you try and pretend it’s not there
it remains there;
staring at you.
Why do you pretend that you’re blind
but yet you have 20/20 vision?
You say and think, “if I don’t see it, it’s not happening”
but the world does not simply stop just for you.
So many things are happening around us
child abuse,
domestic abuse,
gun and knife crime,
drinking and
drug abuse.
Whilst it happens to others you do nothing;
but just pray it doesn’t happen to you,
but if it does just pray and hope that someone has
the kindness in their heart to help you.
Do onto others what you want onto your self
Me, myself and I, is all you seem to care about
Now you can go act like you never read this, never heard this like you always do.
But remember another persons coffin is just a piece of wood to you until it’s your turn…………

I wrote this to try and depict how Greg  Nolan felt when he was not getting any help

Saturday 13 July 2013

Unit 7 Scripted Performance Evaluation

Unit 7 Scripted Performance Evaluation 
This evaluation is about the play titled: Missing Dan Nolan.
My main character is Greg Nolan which is who I will be writing about most of the time. 

The Performance
1. Briefly outline the story of your play (Introduction)
This play  is based on a true life event.It is about a who went missing at the age of 14. He's name is Daniel Nolan but his nick name is Dan. This year 2013 he would be 26 years old. He went missing in 2002 after whilst he was on fishing trip with his 3 friends Joe,Thom and George.Till this day he still has not been found.21 months after Dan went missing human remains a foot to be specific was found;this foot has positively  identified as Daniel Nolan's  This is still an open case. The foot came of naturally which suggest Dan is dead but where is the rest of him.Many people believe Dan went missing but that's not the only possibility not all.The river where Daniel went missing on fishing trip with his friends was searched everyday on both tides for 3 months. 2 large sonar units army where placed on the river, army sonar units and found nothing.Nothing for Dan to have fallen in that unfortunate night.How could he have dodged every boat,every mooring line to get into the main channel to get out out of the mouth of the river.Not being caught on anything would be virtually impossible.This is the sad unfortunate true life story of a fathers anguish, a mothers pain, a sisters loneliness and the loss of innocence of 3 boys. 
2. Describe how you used physical and vocal expression both in character and as the ensemble.

Physical expression
As a character my physical expression had to be strong which was shown by shoulders held up, a strong stance to be a father character.This is because my character was seen as the head of the family who everyone relies on;but on the other hand I also had to show agony,pain,torment,torture and misery because he has just lost his son. On top of all his anguish he still has to compassionate to others. This is why at time my character Greg Nolan at times will just put his head into his hands or have no or little eye contact so others will not see his pain. My character had to be supportive.

Vocal expression
I had to use a clear bold tone because I was in a position of authority been a father.At time the sad side of my character would come out but this was only at intimate moments when he is with his wife. This is because he feels they are going through this together so he feels he can trust her.  At times my character would be care free all must like a child this is because he is in the comfort of his own blood family.

3. Describe how you used the following skills to show your character; Use and control of vocal projections, speech, tone, pace, costume handling of props.

Use and control of vocal projections, speech, tone, pace
With in the first few lines of my character Greg Nolan I had already used Use and control of vocal projections, speech, tone, pace. I used vocal projections at the start because my character was talking to and trying to convince the audience that there was no way that his beloved son could have just fallen into the river.This play consist of actors being characters and narrator at times this switch could be within 2 lines such as my character speaking to his wife or son then coming immediately out of role to talk to the audience then going back to have a conversation with his wife.

Costume handling of props
I did not just have one character, Greg Nolan. I had a total of 5 characters

  • Greg Nolan - Father to Daniel Nolan
  • A School student- who walks the hall ways
  • A member of the bu-gal party- who is drunk and has a conversation with Dan Nolan 
  • Part of the shady people-who asked Dan for the time at the bus stop
  • Part of the search party-Who helps to put up posters and hand out flyers and help search for Dan
Each person has a different dress sense and style so in turn each character would have a different dress sense and style.

  • Greg Nolan- is a father who holds a job which is why he wears a suit and tie
  • The school student- wears a white shirt because this is his uniform
  • The member of the bu-gal party- wears a jacket/hoodie  because it is cold out side, being the begging of January and  he has a bottle of alcohol because he is still drink while he is drunk
  • The shady person- wore  a gloves and a coat because it is cold and wears a scarf to cover his face so he can not be identified.
  • The member of the search party- has a missing person flyer with Daniel Nolan on it to help find him. He also wears a shirt because he is doing this in his free time and is probably just coming back from work. He wears a scarf because he is going out in winter 

4. What did you want to communicate to the audience?

The message which I wanted to communicate to the audience was that you should always stick together because you do not know what what can happen to you. Another message which I tried to convey is that people are going to experiment but its safer to do it with friends.  
5. What did you want the audience to leave thinking about? How did you do this?

I wanted the audience to leave thinking about are things always like they seem,we should not always accept what we are told just because it easier we should go out and find the truth.
6. Overall did you perform a role using physical and vocal expressing, staying in role with commitment? Justify your comments.

I think I did because acting is not all about glitz and glamour its hart felt it brings out raw emotions it allows you to become, embrace and embodies someone else.Acting is about reacting.
I put in a lot of effort into my roles. It was the first time i had ever had to learn and use a script  it me see what worked best for me and what I can do to improve. I think all my hard work showed off in the performance because i felt proud of my self and the work i had put in.
1. Describe in detail how you achieved the following: meeting the brief rehearsing effectively, working relationships with other actors, providing the audience with a theatrical experience.

meeting the brief rehearsing effectively

The brief which we were giving was "You are a local Theatre Company who has been commissioned to perform a scripted play to the public. The success of a play hinges on whether all performers are working towards the same goal. You need to ensure that rehearsals are attend and managed well and that the performance runs smoothly. You must also be aware of what you want the audience to gain out of the performance."
The word effectively means "Producing a strong impression or response; striking" (sourced from "The free Free Dictionary"  I think the brief was meet effectively because we were doing what we love so we gave it all we had to try and d our best.

working relationships with other actors
The main actor I worked along side was Amanda Annang who plays the wife of my main character Pauline Nolan. I have worked with Amanda in previous performances so i felt glad and comfortable working with her again. I also worked along side Charline Appiah who I have worked with before and is a close friend of mine and I am overwhelmed to to have her as a friend she played my daughter Clair Nolan. I was also working along side Junior Avelino who play my son Daniel Nolan. As a group we played a family and I feel we became one. I Worked with other actors as well but these are ones i work closest to in rehearsals because we were all in the same scenes. 

providing the audience with a theatrical experience
We are a theater company with a paying audience so what ever we did we had to bear in mind people had paid to come and watch us.So we gave it all we had. The Oxford Dictionaries definition of "Theater" is  "a play or other activity or presentation considered in terms of its dramatic quality" . My definition of experience is "an event which has an impact on an impact on a person". If you put these two definitions together my definition of a "Theatrical experience" is "A play,activity or other presentation of high quality which has an impact on a audience and the actors in the play".From this definition I think we provided the audience with a theatrical experience.
2. Discuss and evaluate the following: How did you communicate the themes within the play and the roles that you played?

How did you communicate the themes within the play
The themes within the play were:

  1. Things are always what they seem
  2. Things are always what they seem
  3. You stick together when you go out
  4. You are going to experiment but do it safely
They where communicated by:
  1. Things are always what they seem- This was communicated in the first few scenes when Greg and Pauline were addressing the audience and telling how there was no way that there beloved son could have just fallen into the river. 
  2. Things are always what they seem- this was also communicated in the first few scenes but Greg and Pauline felt all the clairvoyants and other professions where trying to convince them to believe that they should just accept that Dan feel into the river and is now just out at see.
  3. You stick together when you go out- one of the factors in Daniel Nolan's disappearance was that he was left by himself after he and his friends have been drinking maybe if they had stuck together Daniel Nolan would be here today 
  4. You are going to experiment but do it safely- Pauline and Greg set up a charity,In the last scene we discussed that it is okay to experiment with things and it is likely to happen but it is better to do it as a group.  
the roles that you played
  • Greg Nolan - Father to Daniel Nolan.He is in his 40's and has just lost his son but does not know what actually happened to him but he tries to stay strong
  • A School student- who walks the hall ways.This person is between the ages of 11-16 and is a school student who most probably sees Dan daily.
  • A member of the bu-gal party- who is drunk and has a conversation with Dan Nolan 
  • Part of the shady people-who asked Dan for the time at the bus stop and walks away when he finds out no bus is coming
  • Part of the search party-Who helps to put up posters and hand out flyers and help search for Dan this person is of working age and is helping out in his spear time 

  • 3. What were the strengths and weaknesses of your performance? Of the group’s?

    I  think my strengths where that I was able to become come the character by this i mean I was able to react to what others where doing even tho i was not the center of attention at the time.

    I think a weaknesses that I had as an individual and as a group was that we took to long to learn our lines.One the other hand we now know what suits us best in terms of how to learn our lines.

    A strength we had as ensemble we all embodied our characters and we helped and supported each other. The One the reasons our Performance was a success was is because we had Great and special director Ms Jackson, who helped us and put in time.