Sunday 21 July 2013

To whom it may not concern

You egomaniacal,
one track minded person.
Don’t get me wrong, being one track minded is not a bad thing.
But there are so many different other tracks.
you pretend we do not see them
but they are still there.
No matter how hard you try and pretend it’s not there
it remains there;
staring at you.
Why do you pretend that you’re blind
but yet you have 20/20 vision?
You say and think, “if I don’t see it, it’s not happening”
but the world does not simply stop just for you.
So many things are happening around us
child abuse,
domestic abuse,
gun and knife crime,
drinking and
drug abuse.
Whilst it happens to others you do nothing;
but just pray it doesn’t happen to you,
but if it does just pray and hope that someone has
the kindness in their heart to help you.
Do onto others what you want onto your self
Me, myself and I, is all you seem to care about
Now you can go act like you never read this, never heard this like you always do.
But remember another persons coffin is just a piece of wood to you until it’s your turn…………

I wrote this to try and depict how Greg  Nolan felt when he was not getting any help

1 comment:

  1. Obi, what a thoughtful interpretation of Greg's inner feelings. You have taken extra time to sit down and think about the pain your character experienced. Please continue to add poems, research as this is all helping you maintain your distinction. Outstanding work! I am so proud of you!
